Some health needs and services are unique to women and gender diverse individuals, such as services related to women’s sexual and reproductive health and gender-affirming services. 

Regardless of the health need, many women and gender diverse people in Prince Edward Island report having concerns minimized or dismissed altogether. 

For optimal health and well-being, Islanders* must be able to access the right services or combination of services at the right time. Women and gender diverse people    face particular challenges in this regard. They may face more barriers or different barriers to access than do men and Islanders who are cisgender.   They may also have more complex and multifaceted needs due to external social determinants (such as economic status, housing situation, race, employment status, education level, and literacy skills).

*An “Islander” is anyone who currently lives on Prince Edward Island.

The Women & Gender Diverse People’s Health Section of the Department of Health and Wellness , was created in 2022 to assist women and gender diverse people by compiling relevant Island resources and offering key information on specific topics of health that affect this population . The Section is responsible for planning and policy direction related to the health and well-being of women and gender diverse Islanders. One of the key functions of the Section is the implementation of Awareness to Action: A Health Strategy for Women and Islanders who are Gender Diverse.  

Our goal is optimal health and well-being for women and Islanders who are gender diverse, at every stage of their lives  .  

To contact us, please email