Service Navigation and Resources

211 PEI

211 is a free and confidential navigation service that connects Islanders to critical human, social, community, and government services. The service is available by phone in more than 150 languages and is available 24/7/365 by dialing 2-1-1 or by searching the website. Alternatively, 211 can be reached Monday-Friday 8am-8pm by emailing or by texting 211 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.

The types of services 211 can help connect Islanders to include, but are not limited to: financial supports, housing, mental health and addictions programs, peer support groups, transportation services, help with food or clothing, and programs for specific demographic groups (e.g. people with disabilities, children and families, older adults, the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community, youth, etc.)

Gender Affirming Health Services

Offers clinical and funding support services to help support Islanders who are transitioning socially, medically, and/or legally. For a full list of services and supports, visit here.

Sexual Health, Options and Reproductive Services (SHORS)

Safe, confidential and supportive reproductive and sexual health care to Islanders of all genders, orientations and ages at various sites across PEI. For a full list of services offered, visit here.

Breast Screening Program

Mammography services to screen Islanders ages 40 to 74 for breast cancer. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast and it is the best screening tool to detect cancer early. Regular screening with mammography can find changes in the breast before they can be felt and increase your chances of long-term survival. To learn more or to book an appointment, visit here.

Fertility Treatment Funding Support

Provides funding to eligible Islanders who are accessing in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and associated prescribed medications at fertility clinics in Canada. For more information or to apply, visit here.

Cervical Screening Clinics

Provides cervical cancer screening services for Islanders. HPV (human papillomavirus) testing has replaced Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer in PEI. Current guidelines recommend that people with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 65 have an HPV test every five years. To learn more or to book an appointment, visit here.

Colorectal Screening Program (FIT)

Provides colorectal cancer screening services. Islanders ages 50-74 can request a Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) to use at home. Islanders may also be referred by a physician or nurse practitioner for a colonoscopy. Regular screening increases your chance of detecting colorectal cancer early when it is most curable, resulting in higher survival rates and less treatment and surgery. To learn more, visit here.

Community resources in PEI

Community resources outside PEI

If you don’t find what you are looking for, try 211!