Social Media Campaign

The Speaking of Our Health social media campaign launched in March and is running through the spring and summer of 2024 on the PEI Department of Health and Wellness social media channels.

About the Awareness to Action: A Health Strategy for Women and Islanders who are Gender Diverse strategy

The Speaking of Our Health Campaign aims to equip women and gender-diverse people with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health.

But our work doesn’t end there. EVERYONE needs to recognize the distinctive needs of women and gender-diverse people in order to foster a culture where people feel heard and understood, and the necessary tools are available to help!

We all have a part to play in reaching health equity!

Learn more about PEI’s Health Strategy for Women and Islanders Who Are Gender Diverse 2022-2027 in Our Awareness to Action Plan.

#HealthEquity #SpeakingofOurHealth #PEI #InclusivityMatters #WomenSupportingWomen #TransRightsAreHumanRights #EmpowerWomen

About the strategy social media post

Biological Sex vs Gender

When speaking of our health, sometimes people confuse Gender with Sex.

Whereas sex represents your biology, gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender-diverse people.

Gender influences how people perceive themselves and each other and how they act and interact. It also affects the distribution of power and resources in society.

Gender stereotypes and norms all play a part in how likely people are to get sick, how they experience illness, how they access health services, and how they are treated when seeking healthcare.

Both biological sex differences and gender differences can impact a person's health and well-being.

#GenderRoles #SpeakingOfOurHealth #PEI

biological sex vs gender social media graphic

Focus Group Survey and Responses

Speaking of our Health is a part of the PEI Department of Health and Wellness’ “Action to Awareness: A Health Strategy for Women and Islanders Who Are Gender Diverse.”

It’s a mouthful, we know! 

In simple terms, we are trying to improve the health and well-being of all Islanders by focusing on often overlooked groups of people who have unique challenges, needs and barriers regarding their health.  

We’ve done extensive focus groups and surveys with Islanders, and we learned that we need safe spaces for open conversations. Spreading awareness and educating people on the issue is the first step in creating change! 

Follow along to be a part of the conversation.

#SpeakingOfOurHealth #PEI #InclusivityMatters #WomenSupportingWomen #TransRightsAreHumanRights #EmpowerWomen 

focus group and survey response social media graphic

Sexual Health, Options and Reproduction Services

Have you heard about Sexual Health, Options and Reproductive Services?

Launched in 2017, Sexual Health, Options and Reproductive Services (previously called the Women's Wellness Program) offers person-centred reproductive care and sexual health services to Islanders of all genders, ages and orientations. You do not need to be referred by a doctor to access their services.

Sexual Health, Options and Reproductive Services exists in Charlottetown and Summerside. It is dedicated to fostering a better public understanding of sexual and reproductive health. Let's stay informed and empowered.


sexual health social media graphic

Gender Affirming Care

What is gender-affirming care

Gender-affirming care is a way to support and validate an individual's gender identity. It involves various types of care, like social, psychological, behavioural, or medical options (surgical and/or non-surgical). 

People can choose the specific care that suits their needs as they go through the process of transitioning. Every journey is unique! 


Learn more about gender-affirming surgeries here:

#HealthEquity #SpeakingofOurHealth #PEI #TransIsBeautiful #TransPride #TransRightsAreHumanRights #GenderAffirmingCare

what is gender affirming care graphic

Empowering Choices

Abortion is a simple, safe and essential healthcare service that a range of health workers can effectively provide. On PEI, there are two options for abortions.

  1. Medical Abortions - Available up to 10 week’s gestation, medical abortions involve taking medication to induce a miscarriage.
  2. 2. Surgical Abortions - Available up to 16 week’s gestation, they involve a surgical procedure to end the pregnancy.

After 16 weeks gestation, Sexual Health, Options & Reproductive Services (SHORS) will arrange for out-of-province options. Island women and gender-diverse people seeking abortion counselling and care are encouraged to contact SHORS at 1-844-365-8258 (toll-free) to speak with program staff.

#YourBodyYourChoice #RightToChoose #ReproductiveRights #ProChoice #SpeakingofOurHealth #PEI 

empowering choices social media post

How to access abortion services

Abortion services are available in Charlottetown and Summerside for women and gender-diverse people. 

There are two types of abortion services in PEI: Medical Abortions and Surgical Abortions.

You can learn more about your options through the resources on our website (link in bio) 

#ReproductiveRights #AccessToCare #ProChoice #WomensHealth # #SpeakingOfOurHealth #PEI 

How to access abortion services social media graphic

BIPOC women and gender-diverse people

When speaking of our health, we must acknowledge that BIPOC women and gender-diverse people face additional barriers and stigma compared to their white counterparts. Cultural biases, discrimination, and racism have led to their perspectives not being heard or considered when it comes to matters of health and the healthcare system.

We can all play a part in better understanding of the health equity issues that impact racialized women and gender-diverse people.

Check out or for more information on how you can learn more about the experiences of BIPOC Islanders.

#HealthEquity #SpeakingofOurHealth #PEI #BlackLivesMatter 

BIPOC women and gender-diverse people social media graphic


When it comes to sex, making informed decisions about our bodies is key. Understanding your contraception options empowers you to take charge of your reproductive health.

There are various types of contraception, each with its own method of preventing pregnancy and STIs. Here are some common forms of contraception:

  • IUDs
  • Implant
  • Tubal ligation or vasectomy
  • Injection
  • Oral pill
  • Patch/vaginal ring
  • Diaphragm
  • Condom
  • Sponge
  • Emergency contraceptive pill

Contraception social media graphic

Unintended Pregnancies

Unintended pregnancies take a toll on the mental health and well-being of all affected women, gender-diverse people and their families. Timely access to affordable and effective contraceptives is KEY to reducing unintended pregnancies.

One of the greatest barriers to accessing contraception is cost, especially for low-income or young Islanders. Many must pay out-of-pocket because they have no drug coverage, or their insurance does not cover or only partially covers the contraceptives they desire. 

Drop a note if you agree that cost should not be a roadblock to reproductive health!

Unintended Pregnancies social media graphic

End Stigma

When speaking of our health, gender plays a massive role. It impacts health outcomes, access to healthcare, and treatment.  Many women and gender-diverse individuals have encountered situations where their pain was dismissed, they received incorrect diagnoses, or they were not provided with inclusive, respectful care.

This is what we are working to change! Drop a below if you’ve had an experience like this. Or, visit our website [link in bio] for more information, resources and support.

 #GenderEquality #SocialDeterminantsofHealth #HealthEquity #SpeakingOfOurHealth #PEI 

End Stigma social media graphic

Endometriosis Myth

Myth: It’s just a painful period X

Truth: Mild discomfort with periods can be normal, but menstrual pain that stops people from doing daily activities or going to work and school is not normal.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue resembling the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus and attaches itself to other organs, causing scarring, lesions, adhesions, cysts, infertility, fatigue and other painful symptoms.

We can all help people with endometriosis by learning more, speaking up and removing the culture of silence around women and gender-diverse people's bodies and menstrual cycles.

#EndometriosisAwareness #ListenToYourBody #EndometriosisSupport #EndoWarriors #InvisibleIllness #Endometriosis #SpeakingOfOurHealth #EndPeriodStigma #BreakTheSilence

Endometriosis myth social media post

Endometriosis Awareness

Did you know?

In their lifetime, approximately 1 in 10 girls and women, and unmeasured numbers of transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse individuals, will develop endometriosis.

Yet, many people have never heard of it!

Endometriosis occurs when tissue resembling the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus and attaches itself to other organs, causing scarring, lesions, adhesions, cysts, and painful symptoms.

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Stay tuned for more information on Endometriosis, or visit our website (link in bio) for more resources.

#EndometriosisAwareness #EndoWarriors #InvisibleIllness #Endometriosis #WomensHealth#SpeakingOfOurHealth #PEI #Endo #HealthEducation #EndoAwareness

Endometriosis social media post

Endometriosis Symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of endometriosis and advocating for yourself with healthcare professionals is an important step in getting the care you need. 

Speaking up on endometriosis can help other girls, women and gender-diverse people experiencing endometriosis, too!

For more information about Endometriosis, related conditions, symptom management, self-advocacy, or information on becoming an “Endo-Ally,” visit

#EndometriosisAwareness #ListenToYourBody #EndometriosisSupport #EndoWarriors #InvisibleIllness #Endometriosis #SpeakingOfOurHealth #Endo #HealthEducation #EndoAwareness

Endometriosis Symptoms social media post

Endometriosis Care

A survey found that ¼ primary clinicians report needing more training about endometriosis!

Canada has approximately 42 Endometriosis specialists, and 23 of them are in Ontario. There is limited access to specialists in PEI and Atlantic Canada. 

The PEI Dept of Health and Wellness is working to actively empower healthcare providers with crucial updates and training through handy information sheets like this:

#EndometriosisSupport #EndometriosisAwareness #EndoWarriors #InvisbileIllness #Endometriosis #SpeakingOfOurHealth #Endo #HealthEducation #EndoAwareness

Endometriosis Care social media post

Gender Affirming Care PEI

Did you know Health PEI covers various gender-affirming procedures? In fact, together with the Territory of Yukon, we have the most expansive gender-affirming care policy in Canada. 

Gender-affirming care is essential for individuals on their transition journey. It is tailored to each individual, allowing them to express their gender identity and be their authentic selves.

 #GenderAffirmingCare #Inclusivity #TransRightsAreHumanRights #SpeakingOfOurHealth

Gender Affirming Care PEI social media post

Health Equity

Why is it so important we talk about the gender health gap and the challenges faced by women and gender-diverse individuals?  

Because breaking the silence is an important step toward creating health equity on PEI. 

Health Equity means that everyone has the resources they need to be healthy. 

So, let's get comfortable with uncomfortable conversations. Education and communication can pave the way for an equitable healthcare system on PEI.

#HealthEquity #SpeakingofOurHealth #PEI #InclusivityMatters #WomenSupportingWomen #TransRightsAreHumanRights #EmpowerWomen

Health Equity social media post

Menopause Symptoms

Did you know approximately 1 in 10 women quit their jobs due to menopausal symptoms? 

This impacts not only individuals but also the workforce and the economy as a whole. 

The more we normalize menopause and talk about the symptoms and the challenges for women and gender-diverse people, the better equipped we are to support each other in the workplace.

Menopause symptoms social media graphic

Breast cancer post 

Did you know breast cancer is the most common cancer for Island women? Studies show that 1 in 8 women may face a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. 
But there is good news!

  • PEI has among the lowest incidence and mortality rates in Canada.
  • Since 1998, PEI’s Breast Screening Program has offered self-referral mammograms at Queen Elizabeth and Prince County Hospitals.
  • The program offers screening every two years for asymptomatic, average-risk people aged 50-74 and annually for average-risk people aged 40-49 and those at higher risk due to past health conditions and/or family history. 
  • PEI is one of only three provinces providing people aged 40-49 self-referral access to annual mammograms.
  • In 2020, PEI enhanced its program to notify women and gender-diverse people of their breast density after a mammogram. 
  • The QEH Foundation is currently fundraising for cutting-edge mammography machines to ensure earlier and more precise breast cancer detection.

Remember, early detection is crucial! This is your reminder to schedule your mammogram today.

breast cancer social media post